You need:
- Yarn, 1 or 2 colors
- Dowel, or stick
- Note cards
- Toothpicks
- Scissors
- Tape
- Nail-Trimmers
How-To Bow:
Use your scissors, and make 2 notches on both ends of your dowel/stick. Tie your string on those notches as long as you like. You are done with your bow! You can stop here, or make arrows as well.
How-To Arrows:
Use your nail-trimmers and cut about 6 toothpicks right after the point on one end. then take 2 pieces on tape, and lay them on top of each other. Cut it into a triangle.
How-To Arrow Pouch:
Take a note card, and fold it with 2 of the edges overlapping, and tape them, inside & out. Make 2 holes, near the top and bottom. Tie the string over the top, on the top hole. With the bottom hole, string the string all the way up, and tie to the top knot. Hope you enjoyed! Here are some final pictures:
Have fun! :)
Have any questions? Ask them here, and I will try my best to answer them!